


“Through the Lands Office, we have that expertise to say this is where you need to really push.”

Chief Christine Minnabarriet of the Cook’s Ferry Indian Band


Scott Mackay, MSc, RPP, MCIP

(226) 706 – 8888 ext. 102

Laura Sayers

(226) 706 - 8888 ext. 129


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For more information, download our brochure here.

Lands and Consultation Department Support Services

Expanding Capacity is Always Part of the Plan. 

A lands department plays a crucial role in protecting your Nation’s Rights and lands in the face of development while furthering the prosperity of your people. Our team can help you build your lands and consultation department into a well-oiled machine that hums with the knowledge it is effectively protecting what matters most to your Nation —and supporting your economic development goals. Here’s how:

Lands and Consultation Department Set Ups and Tune-ups

From systems to screen and prioritize consultation requests to roles and responsibilities, communication, workflows, and funding sources, we work with you to design or improve a structure you can build on and sustain.

Remote Contract Lands and Consultation Department

Under the direction of your leadership team, we can take care of managing all — or parts — of your department to achieve the best outcomes on reserve and territory wide. Short- or longer-term options available.

Custom Information Management Solutions

Intuitive software dashboards and tracking solutions make staying on top of your active files simple — helping you strengthen referral response. What’s more, all your important documents — GIS and values data, lands management data, agreements and more — are organized, accessible, and secure.

Why Choose SVS?

Our team provides a unique perspective from all the angles necessary to support you in
building and running an effective lands and consultation department.

Relationships First: It’s all about building long-term, trusting relationships. We take the
time to learn your goals, values, needs, culture, and concerns, and work closely with you
throughout every project we do together.

Leverage the Duty to Consult: We know the duty to consult — and how to leverage
the regulatory process to support the best outcomes for your Nation in negotiation and
consultation with proponents, the Crown, or regulators.  

In-house Experts: We are your on-demand expert backbench! Our team of lands
management experts, environmental scientists, regulatory specialists, planners, and
social researchers work together to help you achieve your goals.

Read more here in our Free eBook! 

How we can help:

Lands and Consultation Department Support


Community Planning

Regulatory & Negotiations Support



Economic Development

Environmental Assessments

Project Showcase

Cook's Ferry Indian Band

Lands and Consultation Department Support

Taykwa Tagamou Nation

Lands Office Support

Acho Dene Koe First Nation

Management of the Lands and Resources Office

Now that you know who we are and what we do, tell us more about what’s going on in your world..