Shawanaga First Nation

Shawanaga Island Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area

Shawanaga First Nation secured funding from Environment and Climate Change Canada to create an Indigenous and Protected Conserved Area (IPCA) for Shawanaga Island. SVS was selected to support Shawanaga in the planning and development of an IPCA which is grounded in Shawanaga’s laws, governance, and knowledge systems. To ensure that Shawanaga’s culture, language, and values are embedded within the IPCA structure, SVS worked with the community through engagement sessions and a Traditional Knowledge study to gather information about the use of the island. We used input from this engagement to develop a Management Plan, which included the project vision, guiding principles, plans for managing the lands and waters of Shawanaga Island, the goals and objectives for the IPCA along with key metrics for evaluation The IPCA team provided information and gathered input from the community through social media, workshops, a project website and story map, and a colouring book. The project also included capacity building through the hiring and training of an IPCA coordinator to lead the project.

SVS worked alongside Shawanaga to regularly engage project partners and stakeholders to secure external support and funding for the IPCA. 







Magnetawan First Nation





Each First Nation’s situation is unique, influenced by different priorities and challenges associated with environmental issues, capacity and community expectations. EMPs should reflect this distinctiveness, both in the content of the plans and in the ways they are prepared.

A Guide to Preparing Environmental Management Plans for Operational First Nations


Jeremy Shute, MA, RPP

(226) 706 - 8888 ext. 105

Environmental Management Planning

Protect your lands and waters...your way.

Many First Nations are beginning to recognize the value of environmental planning as an important initial step in land governance and economic development. An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) identifies environmental challenges in a First Nation’s reserve and proposes approaches to resolve those issues.

EMPs are an agreed upon requirement between Land Code communities and INAC under the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management.

At Shared Value Solutions, we specialize in finding creative ways to leverage planning and regulatory processes to develop solutions for our clients that protect the environment and people’s land use, develop capacity and generate economic opportunities.

How we can help:

Capacity Building

Funding Support

Project Showcase

Magnetawan First Nation

Environmental Management Plan

Environmental Management Plan

Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

Want to know more about what we could do with your community? Let’s chat.