Land governance activities are completed significantly faster compared to processing under the Indian Act.
In some cases this can be 72 times faster.
KPMG Study
Land Code
Move at the speed of business and protect your lands…your way.
Frustrated with Indian Act-imposed processes that get in the way of economic development? The First Nations Land Management Act (FNLMA) allows communities to opt out of 85% of the Indian Act pertaining to lands management, and become operational Land Code communities.
We advise communities and their legal counsel on the development of land laws, policies and other tools that relate to the community’s land code, and assist communities with organizational readiness for administering land management.
Entering the FNLMA regime is a community-driven process. We help engage the community at every step in ways that are real and meaningful — it’s the only way to achieve effective results everyone can get behind.
Project Showcase
Magnetawan First Nation
Environmental Management Plan
Sagamok Anishnawbek
BEAHR Land Use Planning Seminar
Shawanaga First Nation
Land Use Plan and Environmental Management Plan