

(226) 706 8888 ext. 812

Claire Avisar, BA, MA

Intermediate Social Researcher and Project Manager

Claire is a sociocultural anthropologist with a strong background in social research, campaign development, community engagement, and a penchant for political advocacy. As an anthropologist, she has conducted ethnographic research alongside diverse communities in Canada, and is familiar with ethnographic writing and filmmaking, cognitive mapping, oral histories, and other qualitative methodologies. At SVS, she has assisted client communities to conduct Socio-Economic and Traditional Knowledge and Land Use Studies. In doing so, she has gained expertise in the process of bringing community-centered ways of knowing into the methodologies and tools used to capture and share Indigenous Knowledge. Above all, she believes in the power of multimedia storytelling as a medium for cultural mediation, remediation, and expression. 

Outside of work, Claire enjoys poetry, plant-based nutrition and cooking, and will always make a museum her first stop in a new city.


Indigenous Knowledge

Multimedia Storytelling

Additional Superpowers

active listening | editing | plant-based nutrition |