

(226) 706 8888 ext. 818

Ashley Childs, BMgmt

Lands Manager & Client Liaison

Ashley comes to SVS with a strong background in organizational and community development. Her focus for the last 7 years has been on providing project management, program and departmental development, strategic planning and technical services on environment and natural resource initiatives for Indigenous communities, specifically for the Mi’kmaq in Nova Scotia. She has worked on a wide-range of projects, including major complex, economic development programs, protected and conserved area initiatives, capacity development, assessment and monitoring initiatives, such as the Guardian program, and cumulative effects development. 

Following her passion for supporting others in achieving their goals and creating change for social injustice, Ashley pursued a Bachelor of Management and Major in Environment, Society and Sustainability from Dalhousie University.  Ashley is purpose-driven and uses an integrated approach to project service delivery that is unique, with value alignment and intention being at the core. Recognizing a large component of her work was in creating safe spaces for others, she has pursued additional training and mentorship in mind-body connection, and breathwork.

Ashley is dedicated to amplifying Indigenous voices and being an ally. She believes that through incorporating Indigenous protocols and laws into environmental practices, we can achieve the balance we have been seeking.

In her free time, Ashley likes to spend her time in Five Islands, in the woods or with her dogs.



Environmental Monitoring

Environmental Management Planning


Capacity Building

Additional Superpowers

project management | community development and engagement | strategic planning | organization | empathy and active listening | proposal writing and funding applications |