(226) 706 8888 ext. 207
Jeremy Shute, M.A., RPP
Senior Planner
Jeremy Shute has a broad background in resource, land use and community planning and communications. He is a professional planner as well as a mediator, facilitator and cartographer. He has been involved in land use planning and in the planning profession in a variety of capacities including mentoring new planners, evaluating land use planning processes, teaching land use planning courses, working with Indigenous communities to develop land use plans, integrating community values and land use and occupancy data into community and land use planning processes and reviewing development proposals within the context of land use plans.
He specializes in integrating local and traditional knowledge and community values in project planning and regulatory processes such as environmental assessment. Jeremy has worked in the energy, waste management, forestry, mining, transportation, contaminated sites and water management sectors. He has worked at the interface of development projects and Indigenous communities in a wide range of settings in Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.
Additional Superpowers
plain language communication | natural resource management | stewardship | problem solving | negotiation | the Duty to Consult | First Nation consultation | Aboriginal community consultation | conflict prevention | conflict resolution | mediation | facilitation | cartography | participatory mapping | ecological restoration | water resources management | risk Communication