The ancient, living ties Indigenous communities have with the land,
water and animals
are at the heart of effective conservation strategies.
Melissa Tonge
We Stand with Stewardship Warriors
Indigenous communities across Canada are front and center in the fight against environmental degradation, asserting their historical stewardship role over, and responsibility for, all that occurs within their ancestral lands.
When natural areas and ecosystems are lost, degraded and fragmented from human activities – logging, farming, pollution and development – they lose the ability to support biodiversity. Clean air and clean water are threatened. The gifts of wood, natural medicines and wild foods aren’t as available. To help Indigenous communities protect the land and ecosystems that sustain us all, our terrestrial and aquatic ecologists use the tools of conservation and restoration.
Our team also provides technical reviews of these studies to ensure your community’s rights and interests are being considered and protected.
Want more information? Download our Conservation & Stewardship brochure.

Project Showcase
Atikameksheng Anishnawbek
Species at Risk Monitoring Program
Biigtigong Nishnaabeg
East-West Tie Trasnmission Line: Technical Review
Now that you know who we are and what we do, tell us more about what’s going on in your world..