Taykwa Tagamou Nation

Lands Office Support

TTN receives a very large volume of referrals from a wide range of government ministries, proponents, and other organizations. An ongoing challenge for TTN is the capacity to strengthen the effectiveness and sustainability of overall operations of their lands department. To help with strengthening their capacity to effectively lead and manage decision making efforts, SVS drafted an action plan including ongoing consultation, and mentorship support. SVS staff also lead the onboarding of TTN staff and key representatives to the new Action Plan and any systematic changes or process improvements related to revised roles and responsibilities. A basic curriculum with learning outcomes was created with the approval of TTN.

The objective of the project was to work directly with TTN to develop internal capacity to manage consultation request, referrals, and requests for engagement. This was a valuable contribution to TTN asserting their Rights and interests over their traditional territory.



Northeastern Ontario




Technical Peer Reviews

Lands and Consultation Department Support

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