Michipicoten First Nation

GIS and Data Management Training

Michipicoten First Nation (MFN) approached SVS with questions about how to consolidate their Traditional Knowledge and land use (TKLU) datasets and effectively manage the data, and associated project files, to make it easier for MFN staff to find the internal data they need to assess potential industrial project impacts. MFN staff working on forestry, mining, biodiversity, and lands management departments needed an easy way to view and understand their TKLU data in ArcGIS software without having to take extensive GIS training programs.

SVS worked with Lands and Resources staff at Michipicoten First Nation to set up a standardized TKLU data management methodology to support its internal consultation framework for reviewing proposed industry operations with the traditional territory. SVS developed a GIS and Data Management training manual and delivered a series of training sessions for MFN staff on how to use some simple tools in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online to steward and manage their data and use it effectively for decision-making.



Michipicoten, ON



GIS and Mapping

Data Sovereignty

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